Leveraging Earth observation for greater impact in climate-sensitive global agricultural development
About GeoField

Join the Community of Practice 

Bringing together impact evaluators, remote sensing experts, and field partners

We seek to expand the use types of Earth observation, encourage more learning and cross-fertilization, and reduce the technical and managerial barriers to access and use Earth observation across the spectrum of agriculture impact evaluations.

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Caption: Part of Nepal including its capital city, Kathmandu, and the Himalayan foothills are pictured in this satellite image. Vegetation appears red in this false-color image, while waterways and buildings appear light green and blue. This image, also featured on the Earth from Space video programme, was captured by the Copernicus Sentinel-2A satellite on 28 December 2015. Contains modified Copernicus Sentinel data (2015), processed by ESA, CC BY-SA 3.0 IGO

GeoField: Geospatial Earth Observation For Impact Evaluation Learning and Development

What is GeoField?
A partnership to make impact evaluations and climate sensitive agriculture more effective through Earth observation
In Development

Communities of Practice

An urgent call to social scientists, agronomists, and climate scientists  to work together and with innovators, data, and technology providers to integrate Earth observation with impact evaluations for climate-sensitive agriculture in the developing world

How to get more information
Earth observation affords more precise and representative impact estimates than via ground-based observations alone. Many features of climate change are increasingly becoming directly measurable, such as groundwater availability, land degradation, and carbon sequestration, as illustrated by this bird's eye view of the stark contrast between the forest and agricultural landscapes near Rio Branco, Acre, Brazil. Photo by Kate Evans for Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR), licensed under (CC BY-NC 2.0).
Coming Soon

Case Studies

We seek to develop 6-8 case studies that highlight a range of geographies, programs and partners that illustrate how improved use Earth observation can yield program insights that help countries adapt to a changing climate.

more about Case studies
November 2021, Gharelu, Nepal. Evaluating the impact of disaster mitigation measures, such as the building of gabion walls that prevent landslides and mudslides through from Mercy Corps’ MRED program seen in the photo above, exemplify the types of interventions that could be measured directly through earth observation.